Festival Of Frights Bulk
Festival Of Frights Bulk
Bulk 11lb (5kg) Carton
Sweetapolita - Vaughan, ON
62 Buttermill Avenue
Vaughan ON L4K 3X3
You can also find this item in smaller sizing HERE
Experience the ultimate spooky celebration with Festival of Frights! This perfect Halloween medley with haunt your next batch of treats with spine-tingling candy shapes and ghoulishly fun colours. All your guests will say Boo-yeah 👻
Ingrédients: Sucres (sucre glace, glucose, sucre, dextrose), Huile de palmiste, Eau, Lécithine de tournesol, Cire de carnauba, Arômes naturels et artificiels, Poussière de mica, Amidon de maïs, Maltodextrine, Stéarate de magnésium, Gomme arabique, Glaçage de confiseur, Pigment nacré à base de mica, Lactosérum à teneur réduite en protéines, Cacao, Lécithine de soja, Dextrine de tapioca, Sel, Farine de blé, Amidon de blé, Gélatine bovine, Gomme laque, Semoule de blé, Tartrazine, Bleu brillant FCF, Rouge allura, Jaune soleil FCF, Dioxyde de titane, Couleur caramel, Noir de carbone, Métal argenté, Annatto norbixine. Contient: Lait, Soja, Blé. Peut contenir: Moutarde, Noix.
This medley is the twinkliest of the sprinkliest and contains metallic dragées that are very hard and as with any hard candy, represent a choking hazard to small children and risk to your teeth. Please consume with caution. These unique jumbo decorative rods are made with a very skinny compressed wheat semolina filling to keep the integrity of the gorgeous shape, then coated in pressed sugar and then a candy coating.
The metallic dragées contain silver colour classified as edible in Canada, Europe and most other countries, but not yet approved by the FDA (USA). Sprinkle Medleys that contain metallic dragées are considered for decorative purposes only in the USA.
The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and, due to the nature of our product, may not be an identical representation of component ratios or colours (appearance of colours will range across devices). Sweetapolita reserves the right to change product images or specifications, if necessary, without notice.