Forest Green Crunchy Sprinkles Bulk
Forest Green Crunchy Sprinkles Bulk
Bulk 11lb (5kg) Carton
Sweetapolita - Vaughan, ON
62 Buttermill Avenue
Vaughan ON L4K 3X3
These premium FOREST GREEN Crunchy Sprinkles (also known as jimmies or strands) are the sought-after skinny sugar strands made here in Canada. Compared to other manufactured jimmies in the United States and other parts of the world, they are much longer and thinner (and crunchy!).
These sprinkles are candy-sweet and yummy on their own. These sprinkles are the perfect way to make any cake, cupcake, cookie, ice cream sandwich or pretty much anything party-ready.
Ingrédients: Sucres (sucre glace, glucose), Huile de palmiste, Lécithine de tournesol, Cire de carnauba, Tartrazine, Bleu brillant FCF, Rouge allura.