Natural Green Crunchy Sprinkles | Plant-Based - US
Natural Green Crunchy Sprinkles | Plant-Based - US


Natural Green Crunchy Sprinkles | Plant-Based

Sale price$8.99 USD


Pickup available at Warehouse Usually ready in 24 hours

Natural Green Crunchy Sprinkles | Plant-Based - US

3.2oz Bottle (4oz Volume)


Pickup available, usually ready in 24 hours

111 Industrial Drive, Unit #15
Whitby ON L1N 5Z9


Our premium Natural Green Crunchy Sprinkles are made with the sought-after skinny sugar strands made here in Canada, but the best part? They are coloured using only natural, plant-derived colourants, yielding gorgeous, vibrant colours. Compared to other manufactured jimmies in the United States and other parts of the world, they are much longer and thinner (and crunchy!).

These sprinkles are candy-sweet and yummy on their own. These rainbow jimmies are the perfect way to make any cake, cupcake, cookie, ice cream sandwich or pretty much anything party-ready!


INGREDIENTS: Sugars (sugar, glucose, sucrose), Water, Palm kernel oil, Sunflower lecithin, Ascorbate, Ascorbyl palmitate, Dl-alpha tocopherol, Trehalose dihydrate, Trisodium citrate, Rice protein, Dextrin, Maltodextrin, Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, Gum acacia, Sunflower oil, Sodium ascorbate, Natural flavours, Carnauba wax, Beta carotene, Spirulina extract, Annatto extract, Red radish extract, Red cabbage extract, Beet extract, Turmeric oleoresin.
INGRÉDIENTS: Sucres (sucre, glucose, saccharose), Eau, Huile de palmiste, Lécithine de tournesol, Ascorbate, Palmitate d'ascorbyle, Dl-alpha tocophérol, Tréhalose dihydraté, Citrate trisodique, Protéines de riz, Dextrine, Maltodextrine, Acide citrique, Acide ascorbique, Gomme d'acacia, Huile de tournesol, Ascorbate de sodium, Arômes naturels, Cire de carnauba, Bêta-carotène, Extrait de spiruline, Extrait de rocou, Extrait de radis rouge, Extrait de chou rouge, Extrait de betterave, Oléorésine de curcuma.
More Info
The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and, due to the nature of our product, may not be an identical representation of the colours (appearance of colours will range across devices). Sweetapolita reserves the right to change product images or specifications, if necessary, without notice.